inspire helps raise funds and public awareness for worthy causes by:
We offer inspiring messages, programs, and events:
inspire was created by EMMY Award-Winning film-maker, marketing strategist, and human empowerment expert, Mark Fournier, (founder of DO GOOD enterprises and The Center for Empowerment), to help nonprofits better achieve their missions, in part, by inciting a greater sense of well-being amongst their target audiences.
"Positive Psychology studies have shown repeatedly that ['people with higher levels of 'subjective well-being' are healthier and live longer. They volunteer and give back more. They cultivate stronger relationships with family, friends, neighbors and co-workers. They raise happier children and work more efficiently.]" ~Patty Onderko
The same studies show that these 'inspired people' are also more productive, conscientious, confident, curious, adventurous, and supportive. They take greater pride in their work, complain less, and miss less work. They are also more resilient, resourceful, courageous, cooperative, forgiving, optimistic, and creative.
In short... inspirational, ‘feel-good’ programming and activities bring out the BEST in us… it help us lead self-actualized, confident, meaningful, purpose-driven lives, and perhaps best of all… Inspired human beings do amazing things! They cure cancer… They solve 'impossible' problems… and they make a difference in the world through contributions and volunteerism.
"Positive Psychology studies have shown repeatedly that ['people with higher levels of 'subjective well-being' are healthier and live longer. They volunteer and give back more. They cultivate stronger relationships with family, friends, neighbors and co-workers. They raise happier children and work more efficiently.]" ~Patty Onderko
The same studies show that these 'inspired people' are also more productive, conscientious, confident, curious, adventurous, and supportive. They take greater pride in their work, complain less, and miss less work. They are also more resilient, resourceful, courageous, cooperative, forgiving, optimistic, and creative.
In short... inspirational, ‘feel-good’ programming and activities bring out the BEST in us… it help us lead self-actualized, confident, meaningful, purpose-driven lives, and perhaps best of all… Inspired human beings do amazing things! They cure cancer… They solve 'impossible' problems… and they make a difference in the world through contributions and volunteerism.
“I believe that ‘human capital’ is the single greatest resource on earth, and, as such, ‘helping others become self actualized’ is the most important thing we can do. Iinspire!! was created for this purpose.”
~Mark Fournier, founder DO GOOD enterprises & creator of iinspire!!
~Mark Fournier, founder DO GOOD enterprises & creator of iinspire!!
inspire TV provides audiences with a convenient, low tech way of watching the best-of-the-best inspirational, uplifting, feel-good, videos and messages, while providing nonprofits and businesses with the ideal audience for their marketing and messages.
Everyone wins.
While a great deal excelling programming is already 'out there', you have to surf and search, sometimes for hours, just to find the few inspirational messages that really hit the mark. And even then, you can't just sit back and 'watch', selecting the next 'great' video requires a continuous effort on the internet. And even when you do find something of value, it's frequently too long, or poorly filmed and produced.
inspire TV has removed the effort and the guesswork from getting your daily dose of healthy inspiration. Our EMMY Award-Winning team spends hours each day, searching the world for the most compelling, inspirational, and uplifting images and messages we can find. And then, we load them into our edit suite, polish them up, and finally, we place them into our programming lineup, much like a radio station does with your favorite songs.
How do you access inspire TV? You currently access it via closed-circuit through the sites that provide a physical platform... lobby's, waiting rooms, public parks, hospital rooms, airports, break rooms, hotels, and more... where ever you can imagine a television, media wall or video sculpture.
Consider the benefits of inspiring your clients, customers, patients, and guests with 100% pure, uplifting programming while they await their appointment.
During phase 2, you will have access to our programming via our simple app, so long as you have access to the internet, you'll have access to inspire TV.
And if you're REALLY excited, you can join inspire TV by participating in our phase 2 fund drive or making a contribution of your own. Click below to see what you'll get in return, and find out how to join us.
Everyone wins.
- Nonprofits gain a platform aimed at inspired, appreciative, caring audience members, who are far more likely to 'give' or 'volunteer' than the typical, jaded TV-viewer.
- Commercial sponsors gain a similar audience who are also far more likely to gain appreciation for the brands they are exposed to while experiencing their inspired state of mind, especially when knowing that these brands made their enhanced state possible.
- Viewers benefit by simply gaining access to this wonderful, positive programming.
While a great deal excelling programming is already 'out there', you have to surf and search, sometimes for hours, just to find the few inspirational messages that really hit the mark. And even then, you can't just sit back and 'watch', selecting the next 'great' video requires a continuous effort on the internet. And even when you do find something of value, it's frequently too long, or poorly filmed and produced.
inspire TV has removed the effort and the guesswork from getting your daily dose of healthy inspiration. Our EMMY Award-Winning team spends hours each day, searching the world for the most compelling, inspirational, and uplifting images and messages we can find. And then, we load them into our edit suite, polish them up, and finally, we place them into our programming lineup, much like a radio station does with your favorite songs.
How do you access inspire TV? You currently access it via closed-circuit through the sites that provide a physical platform... lobby's, waiting rooms, public parks, hospital rooms, airports, break rooms, hotels, and more... where ever you can imagine a television, media wall or video sculpture.
Consider the benefits of inspiring your clients, customers, patients, and guests with 100% pure, uplifting programming while they await their appointment.
During phase 2, you will have access to our programming via our simple app, so long as you have access to the internet, you'll have access to inspire TV.
And if you're REALLY excited, you can join inspire TV by participating in our phase 2 fund drive or making a contribution of your own. Click below to see what you'll get in return, and find out how to join us.
inspire 'Fundraising & Awareness' Videos
DO GOOD's Founder and Executive Director, EMMY Award-Winning Filmmaker Mark Fournier has been producing Fundraising Videos and Public-Service Commercials for over 30 years, and he still does. Infact, if you work with a top 20 NGO, chances are, he's already provided you with one or more of his highly effective creations.
"The beauty of a well-made fundraising film is that it not only raises funds... it raises awareness, helping the audience better understand (and care about) your organization and its causes." ~Mark Fournier
"The beauty of a well-made fundraising film is that it not only raises funds... it raises awareness, helping the audience better understand (and care about) your organization and its causes." ~Mark Fournier
Please click below to see our YouTube channel, and samples of our work.
If you feel a 'Fundraising Video' might be of interest to you, please give us a call at 602 327 2798
inspire Fundraising Sculptures & Video Walls
Exciting news! DO GOOD has taken its talent for providing world-class, highly-effective fundraising 'videos' andapplied it to a whole new genre! We now offer new ways for you to generate continuous, ongoing revenue. We call them 'Fundraising Sculptures & Video Walls'. As the name implies, they are inspiring 'sculptures' and video walls that attract attention, entertain, and raise funds. They accomplish this by inspiring passersby to 'toss coins', 'insert bills', & 'write checks'.
If you feel our 'Fundraising Sculptures' might be of interest to you, please give us a call and we will show you how to own one (or more), absolutely FREE: 602 327 2798
Experience a whole new way of contributing to your customers, clients, guests and employees... while simultaneously supporting to your favorite charities and worthy causes!
iinspire!! TV provides viewers with inspirational images, music, and messages throughout their day... while offering them convenient opportunities to contribute to worthy causes or simply 'create an amazing day'.
inspire was created by EMMY Award-Winning film-maker, author, marketing strategist, and human empowerment expert, Mark Fournier, founder of DO GOOD Enterprises, and The Center for Empowerment.
The purpose of inspire is multifold:
"Positive Psychology studies have shown repeatedly that ['people with higher levels of 'subjective well-being' are healthier and live longer. They volunteer and give back more. They cultivate stronger relationships with family, friends, neighbors and co-workers. They raise happier children and work more efficiently.]" ~Patty Onderko
The same studies show that these 'inspired people' are also more productive, conscientious, confident, curious, adventurous, and supportive. They take greater pride in their work, complain less, and miss less work. They are also more resilient, resourceful, courageous, cooperative, forgiving, optimistic, and creative.
In short... inspirational, ‘feel-good’ programming and activities bring out the BEST in us… it helps us lead self-actualized, confident, meaningful, purpose-driven lives, and perhaps best of all… Inspired human beings do amazing things! They cure cancer… They solve 'impossible' problems… and they make a difference in the world through contributions and volunteerism.
And now, YOU can be a part of this game-changing approach to 'changing' the world. Come to our 'Ultimate Office Party' and learn more... or give us a call at 602 327 2798.
The purpose of inspire is multifold:
- To provide nonprofits with a sustainable source of income and ongoing media exposure for their messages
- To allow nonprofits to focus on 'serving their clients' rather than on 'raising funds'
- To provide foundations, donors, sponsors, and businesses with a way of better leveraging their contributions by using their donations to create sustainable funding sources, thereby turning their donations into revenue generators that continue providing funds long after the principle donation has been used
- To help businesses more effectively adopt 'cause marketing' and 'social responsibility' marketing into their business strategy and culture
- To provide businesses and nonprofits with an effective way to consistently inspire and contribute to their employees (and volunteers), customers, patients, clients, and service providers
- To provide the public with inspirational programing that contributes to their lives and general sense of well-being, while inspiring them to make contributions of their own as well.
"Positive Psychology studies have shown repeatedly that ['people with higher levels of 'subjective well-being' are healthier and live longer. They volunteer and give back more. They cultivate stronger relationships with family, friends, neighbors and co-workers. They raise happier children and work more efficiently.]" ~Patty Onderko
The same studies show that these 'inspired people' are also more productive, conscientious, confident, curious, adventurous, and supportive. They take greater pride in their work, complain less, and miss less work. They are also more resilient, resourceful, courageous, cooperative, forgiving, optimistic, and creative.
In short... inspirational, ‘feel-good’ programming and activities bring out the BEST in us… it helps us lead self-actualized, confident, meaningful, purpose-driven lives, and perhaps best of all… Inspired human beings do amazing things! They cure cancer… They solve 'impossible' problems… and they make a difference in the world through contributions and volunteerism.
And now, YOU can be a part of this game-changing approach to 'changing' the world. Come to our 'Ultimate Office Party' and learn more... or give us a call at 602 327 2798.