inspire was created by EMMY Award-Winning film-maker, marketing strategist, and human empowerment expert, Mark Fournier, (founder of DO GOOD enterprises and The Center for Empowerment), to help nonprofits better achieve their missions, in part, by inciting a greater sense of well-being amongst their target audiences.
“I believe that ‘human capital’ is the single greatest resource on earth, and, as such, ‘helping others become self actualized’ is the most important thing we can do. Iinspire!! was created for this purpose.”
~Mark Fournier, founder DO GOOD enterprises & creator of iinspire!!
~Mark Fournier, founder DO GOOD enterprises & creator of iinspire!!
inspire TV / inspire Fundraising Videos, Sculptures, Video Walls & Events
(See Below)
inspire TV
inspire TV provides audiences with a convenient, low tech way of watching the best-of-the-best inspirational, uplifting, feel-good, videos and messages, while providing nonprofits and businesses with the ideal audience for their marketing and messages.
inspire Fundraising & Awareness Videos
DO GOOD's Founder and Executive Director, EMMY Award-Winning Filmmaker Mark Fournier has been producing Fundraising Videos and Public-Service Commercials for over 30 years, and he still does. Infact, if you work with a top 20 NGO, chances are, he's already provided you with one or more of his highly effective creations.
Please click below to see our YouTube channel, and samples of our work.
inspire Fundraising 'Sculptures & Video Walls'
Exciting news! DO GOOD has taken its talent for providing world-class, highly-effective fundraising 'videos' andapplied it to a whole new genre! We now offer new ways for you to generate continuous, ongoing revenue. We call them 'Fundraising Sculptures & Video Walls'. As the name implies, they are inspiring 'sculptures' and video walls that attract attention, entertain, and raise funds. They accomplish this by inspiring passersby to 'toss coins', 'insert bills', & 'write checks'.
inspire Fundraising & Awareness Events
We also stage live, highly inspirational fundraising & awareness events, using a host of inspiring programs and themes. Our events include 'dedication ceremonies' that launch our fundraising sculptures and video walls, concerts, 'Giving Game' events & recitals, and our latest creation, 'Dolphin Tank' a live, highly interactive event that looks a bit like 'Shark Tank' but funds social entrepreneurs with solutions to humanitarian issues instead.